Gear Up Your Snow Removal Business for Winter

snow plow in winter

As a snow plow company owner, you understand that winter can be your busiest and most lucrative season. However, success during the cold months hinges on meticulous preparation. Winter 2023-24 is fast approaching, and now is the ideal time to get your snow plow business ready for action. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover all aspects of preparation, from equipment maintenance to customer property inspections, snow removal planning, stocking up on ice melt products and bulk rock salt, and much more. Let’s ensure your snow plow business is primed for a successful winter season.

1. Equipment Maintenance and Inspection

Your snow plowing equipment is the lifeblood of your business, and it’s crucial that it’s in top-notch condition. Here’s what you should focus on:

a. Plows and Blades:

Inspect plow blades for wear and tear. Sharpen or replace them as needed. Check hydraulic systems for leaks or malfunctions and ensure proper lubrication. Test all controls and electrical systems for functionality.

b. Salt Spreaders:

Thoroughly clean and inspect salt spreaders. Ensure that all moving parts are well-lubricated and in working order. Test the spreader’s ability to disperse salt evenly.

c. Trucks and Vehicles:

Inspect your plow trucks and vehicles inside and out. Check tires for proper tread and inflation, as well as brakes, lights, and windshield wipers. Perform any necessary repairs or maintenance to ensure they are roadworthy.

d. Plow Attachments:

If you have additional attachments, such as snow blowers or brooms, inspect and service them accordingly. Ensure they are ready to handle various snow and ice conditions.

e. Emergency Kits:

Equip your trucks with emergency kits, including shovels, tow straps, road flares, and a first aid kit. Don’t forget to check fire extinguishers and ensure they are in working condition.

2. Customer Property Inspections

Before the first snowfall, conduct thorough property inspections for all your contracted customers. Here’s what to look for:

a. Property Layout:

Review property blueprints or diagrams to understand the layout and specific areas that require snow removal. Identify any obstacles or potential hazards that need attention.

b. Drainage Systems:

Check drainage systems for clogs or damage. Ensure that water can flow freely to prevent icy patches from forming.

c. Signage and Markings:

Inspect property signage and markings, such as parking lines and walkways. Ensure they are visible and in good condition to prevent accidents.

d. Vulnerable Areas:

Identify areas prone to ice buildup, such as sloped driveways or walkways. Consider pre-treating these areas to minimize ice formation.

e. Customer Preferences:

Communicate with property owners to understand their specific preferences and requirements. This ensures a clear understanding of expectations and avoids misunderstandings during snow removal.

3. Snow Removal Plans and Quotes

Having a well-thought-out snow removal plan in place is essential for smooth operations. Here’s how to approach it:

a. Route Planning:

Determine efficient plowing routes that minimize travel time and fuel consumption. Assign specific routes to your drivers and ensure they are familiar with them.

b. Snow Removal Contracts:

Review and update your snow removal contracts with customers. Clearly outline services, pricing, response times, and expectations. Ensure that contracts are signed and on file before the season begins.

c. Emergency Response Plan:

Develop an emergency response plan that includes procedures for severe weather events, equipment breakdowns, and communication with customers. Establish a clear chain of command and contact information for all team members.

d. Pricing and Quotes:

Set competitive pricing for your services and provide detailed quotes to potential customers. Consider offering discounts for early sign-ups or long-term contracts to secure steady revenue throughout the season.

4. Stocking Up on Ice Melt Products and Bulk Rock Salt

Adequate supplies of ice melt products and bulk rock salt are essential. Here’s what you should do:

a. Inventory Assessment:

Take stock of your existing ice melt products and bulk rock salt. Dispose of any expired or damaged products.

b. Supplier Contracts:

Establish contracts or agreements with suppliers to ensure a steady and reliable source of ice melt products and bulk rock salt throughout the season.

c. Storage Facility:

Ensure that your storage facility is properly organized and equipped to handle large quantities of ice melt products and bulk rock salt. Proper storage prevents clumping and ensures product effectiveness.

d. Distribution Strategy:

Plan your ice melt distribution strategy, taking into account delivery schedules and inventory management. Be prepared to meet increased demand during heavy snowfall periods.

5. Employee Training and Safety

The safety of your team and customers is paramount. Here’s what you should consider:

a. Training Programs:

Conduct training sessions for your employees on proper snow removal techniques, equipment operation, and safety protocols. Regular refresher courses can be beneficial.

b. Safety Gear:

Ensure that your team has access to appropriate safety gear, including reflective clothing, gloves, and footwear with good traction.

c. Communication:

Establish clear lines of communication with your team, both during regular operations and in emergency situations. Provide radios or mobile communication devices as needed.

d. Emergency Response Plan:

Review and practice your emergency response plan with your team. Everyone should know their role in case of an emergency.

6. Marketing and Customer Communication

Effective marketing and customer communication are key to attracting and retaining clients. Here’s how to approach it:

a. Online Presence:

Update your website and social media profiles with current information about your services, pricing, and contact details. Consider running online ads targeting your local area.

b. Customer Notifications:

Communicate with your customers through email or other channels to remind them of your services and the importance of early sign-ups. Share tips on winter preparation to demonstrate your expertise.

c. Customer Reviews:

Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google and Yelp. Positive reviews can boost your reputation and attract new clients.


Preparing your snow plow business for Winter 2023-24 involves meticulous planning and attention to detail. By ensuring your equipment is in top condition, inspecting customer properties, developing comprehensive snow removal plans, stocking up on ice melt products and bulk rock salt, training your team, and effectively communicating with customers, you’ll be well-prepared for a successful and profitable winter season. Start your preparations now, and embrace the opportunities that winter brings to your business.

Have questions or a desire to get a quote on ice melt products, bulk rock salt, or snow removal tools, contact our team at SISU today!