How to Apply Magnesium Chloride Ice Melt for Government Facilities

Ice Build Up Under Car Tires

Preventing dangerous ice build up is essential to protecting the safety of pedestrians on your government facility road surfaces. Without proper planning and ice melt solutions, your government road and walkways could pose a safety concern. Luckily, SISCU offers premium ice melt products, such as Magnesium Chloride, to help effectively and efficiently neutralize ice build up. Read more to learn about how to apply Magnesium Chloride and the benefits to having an ice melt solution for your government facilities.

What is Magnesium Chloride?

Magnesium Chloride ice melt is a hygroscopic salt that absorbs moisture from the air and lowers the freezing point of water, helping to prevent dangerous ice build up. Magnesium Chloride is one of the most effective ice melt solutions due to the high concentration of chlorides in its chemical makeup. Magnesium Chloride is also an environmentally friendly product compared to other options such as Calcium Chloride and Rock Salt. To learn more about eco-friendly ice melt products, click here

Magnesium Chloride ice melt comes in two different forms-pellets and flakes. Both pellets and flakes are equally as effective at treating ice. Magnesium Chloride pellets are effective in temperatures as low as -13°F, and are less corrosive and toxic. Additionally, these pellets are 26x less concrete spalling compared to other products. The shape of Magnesium Chloride flakes allow them to easily be applied with a sprayer, and the flat shape ensures they stay in place. This results in more effective application, as the flakes are activated in the spot they were intended for. Flakes do not leave any residue or stains on road surfaces and are also effective in temperatures as low as -13°F. No matter which product type you choose, you can be sure that Magnesium Chloride will effectively prevent dangerous ice build up.

How to Apply Magnesium Chloride Ice Melt

Magnesium Chloride pellets or flakes can either be applied by hand or with equipment such as a spreader truck. On sidewalks or smaller road surfaces, a snow removal team may choose to spread the product with a hand-held spreader or even just manually sprinkle it over the effected areas. The use of a hand-held spreader on sidewalks allows the applicator to be certain that an even layer of product is distributed without leaving exposed surface area or wasting excess product. In the same way, utilizing a spreader truck on large roadways also allows the government facility to have confidence that all areas of the roads have been treated. If you do not have access to this equipment, it is recommended that you hire a professional snow removal team such as Rasevic Companies. Hiring a professional makes application simple and effective, especially when using SISCU premium products. If you instead decide to apply ice melt products yourself, it is important to make sure your skin does not come into contact with the product, as it could cause irritation. In the same way, you should refrain from allowing dogs and other animals to walk across a freshly treated surface, as the chemicals could harm their paws. One application of Magnesium Chloride treats your road surfaces for an extended period of time, making each winter storm clean up easier and safer.

Magnesium Chloride Ice Melt Products at SISCU

If you want to ensure the safety of your government facility this winter, you need to utilize premium ice melt solutions such as Magnesium Chloride ice melt products from SISCU. These ice melt products are made with the purest and most effective ingredients, providing you a safe way to prevent dangerous ice build up. Get a quote today so you are prepared for this winter season!

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