Ice Melt 101: What You Should Know About Ice Melt Salt Products

Icy Walkway - Ice Melt 101

While winter storms may bring an enchanting winter wonderland with them, don’t let snow and ice build up slow you down or create dangerous driving conditions. Enjoy the snowy weather without the hazards by utilizing SISCU’s premium ice melt salt products. Read more to learn how to protect road surfaces this winter.

How Do Ice Melt Salt Products Work?

There are a number of different types of ice melt products on the market, and they all work by lowering the freezing point of water so that it is more difficult for ice to form. All ice melt products are only effective to a certain temperature, and this range will vary based on the makeup of the compound. Depending on the product, ice melt can be applied before or after a snow storm to prevent ice build up.

Different Types of Ice Melt Products

Ice Melt products come in both solid and liquid form. The solid products, pellets and flakes, are more widely utilized, as they are usually less expensive and easier to store. Applying salt pellets or granules melt ice and create more traction on road surfaces. A disadvantage is that this type of product can scatter more easily and be pushed out of place by vehicle and foot traffic. Solid ice melt products also take more time to activate and may not always target the necessary areas. The other ice melt option is to use liquid products. These are more effective for lower temperatures, especially since they start working faster than solid ice melt products. Liquid ice melt has greater accuracy, as the product does not move around once applied. With this being said, liquid ice melt products tend to be more expensive and harder to transport and store. They can also get washed away with heavy rain.

There are many variations of ice melt products that are available in both liquid and solid forms. Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Chloride products are the most popular and effective due to their hygroscopic properties that allow them to generate heat and absorb moisture from the air to melt ice faster and more efficiently. Another ice melt option is Calcium Magnesium Acetate. This product is said to be more environmentally friendly than the chlorides and is approved by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration. Calcium Magnesium Acetate works by preventing snow and ice particles to stick to one another and build up on the surface. It is effective in temperatures as cold as 15°F and is safe for concrete and is a low corrosion product.

How to Decide What Deicer is Right For You

The first component to consider when determining which ice melt product to utilize is the average temperature in your area. Since different deicers function differently at various temperature ranges, knowing your area’s average temperature will help you narrow down your pool of choices. You should also look at the type of road surface you are looking to prevent ice build up. Different products will be more effective depending on the surface type, such as concrete, dirt, etc. Another deciding factor could be a product’s impact on the environment or cost per application. Some ice melt products require more frequent application, which could be more costly due to the equipment and manpower required.

Best Ice Melt Solution: SISCU Premium Ice Melt Products

No matter what product you choose for your ice melt solution, SISCU offers high quality deicing products. With a wide variety of ice melt forms and brands, you are sure to find the best deicer for any situation. If you are looking for professional application and the best results to keep your road surfaces safe in the Mid-Atlantic Region, check out Rasevic Companies.