Calcium Chloride: ComboTherm™
COMBOTHERM™ Calcium Chloride
COMBOTHERM™ Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) commercial strength blended deicer is a best-value solution. It is a unique performance blend that contains the highest percentage of calcium chloride (CaCl2) of any blend on the market – at least 70%. Because it is comprised predominantly of calcium chloride (CaCl2), it is a better ice melt material and a better value than blends composed mostly of rock salt, which are less effective when temperatures fall below 20°F (-7°C).
COMBOTHERM™ Highlights
COMBOTHERM™ calcium chloride (CaCl2) ice melt has a built-in performance indicator to show you how quickly it works. When COMBOTHERM™ is applied, a greencolored additive appears as a visual aid to help prevent wasteful overapplication. Then, as the blend dissolves,
the color fades – along with the snow and ice.

How It Works
COMBOTHERM™ calcium chloride ice melt blend releases heat on contact, accelerating the melting process. A unique composition makes it an economical alternative to premium ice melters for maintenance professionals and property managers. COMBOTHERM™ helps prevent icy buildup that can jeopardize the safety of residents, employees and visitors.
Melting Point
COMBOTHERM™ keeps working to -25°F (-32°C) and it generates heat as it works, melting snow and ice faster than other blended deicers. COMBOTHERM™ contains a green performance indicator – as the snow and ice melt, the color fades showing how quickly COMBOTHERM™ works. The green coloring also serves as coverage indicator, so users can easily see how much they’ve applied and avoid over-application.