Stock Your Ice Melt! Don’t Let A Mild Winter Catch You Off Guard

icy branch ice storm

With the northern states experiencing a record-breaking mild winter this season, you may be surprised to hear that it’s just as important as ever to stock your ice melt and snow removal tools. Although there may not be as much snow to remind you to stock up on ice removal supplies so far in 2015, neglecting to plan ahead for winter ice removal can be disastrous if you aren’t ready for winter. Here’s why you’ll be glad that you were proactive about ice removal this winter: 

A mild winter doesn’t mean an ice-free winter. Daytime temperatures that hover just above freezing tend to bring rainstorms instead of snowstorms. This can quickly turn treacherous, as a quick dip in temperature following a rain shower will result in dangerous, ice-coated roads.

People haven’t adjusted to driving in winter weather. A mild winter makes it more difficult for drivers to safely adjust their driving habits for poor road conditions. This means that it’s particularly important to keep the roads extra clean during mild winters, as levels of snow and ice that typically wouldn’t pose a problem can make roads hazardous for drivers who are unaccustomed to winter weather.

Bad weather can come as a surprise. Even a mild winter will have its days of bad winter weather and you don’t want to be caught off-guard in an unexpected winter storm. Whether or not there’s snow on the ground now, it’s essential to build your ice melt supply in order to prevent winter weather from catching you by surprise.

For tips about winter ice removal, or to order ice melt and snow removal tools for your winter needs, please contact us or visit our website!